Mailing Lists

The New Transition is a fan based mailing list in which fans can write to one another and basically talk about anything. If you wanna trade silverchair merchandise or promote you page or just plain old talk about the wonderful music of silverchair the TNT is the place for you

To sign up just send an email to leave the subject blank and the message should say subscribe tnt [your name] replace [your name] with your name and the server will send you an email confirming your addition to the new list I hope to see ya there.

******************************************************* If you want to be part of a rockin' silverchair fanzine, click here to subscribe to Untitled Online! *******************************************************

Another really cool mailing list devoted to silverchair...and it's fairly small right now which is always a bonus to subscribe click HERE

A rocking silverchair mailing list silmilar to the Untitled fanzine but still has a personality all it's own to join click HERE

Here's another mailing list that I'm on so sign up for this one too rightHere

to sign up for this list go HERE

Yet another list where chairfans can get together to join click here already

another really cool mailing list I'm on join now ok? click here to well you know the deal

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